The Basic Course

A prerequisite for all our other programs, this course is the foundation for the work Randy Roberts does with leaders and their teams. The Basic Course is designed to be transformational, profound in nature and something the participants will never get over. It speaks right to the heart of who people are and what is possible in their lives.
Equally effective and important for administrative assistants and CEOs, The Basic Course shifts the foundation of who people consider themselves to be and how they have limited themselves through their past experiences and beliefs. The course is designed to shift the fundamental belief system people have about themselves, their teams and their organizations.
This full-day program provides the participants with a revitalized sense of purpose and commitment as well as practical tools for individual breakthrough performance, both at work and in their personal lives. Participants will:
- Create an individual “Being” statement representing a vision of themselves that reflects their highest standards and ideals.
- Identify behaviors that undermine success and build new practices and strategies for operating “above the line.”
- Improve all interfacing relationships including those with bosses, peers, direct reports, contributors and customers.
- Increase their ability to get traction on goals and accountabilities.
- Gain skills for creating a culture of appreciation and acknowledgment.
- Generate success, enthusiasm and well-being in the face of opposition and change.
Participants will walk out of this course inspired, enthusiastic and confident in their ability to generate their own well-being and motivation, regardless of the ever-changing circumstances.
“I couldn’t recommend Randy or her Basic Course any higher. As a leader that believes strongly in personal accountability and taking control of ones own destiny, I found the perfect coach and trainer in Randy. She balances humor, tough love, experience and highly relatable stories to bring to life important lessons that promote immediate change and action in employees.”
Brian Irving
VP/Global Digital Marketing, Levi’s